What I Do
I am THE charismatic, versatile and just overall fun voice that YOU are looking for!
Video Reel of Impressions!
BONUS: 15 second character montage!
Video Reel of Impressions!
BONUS: 15 second character montage!
I narrate the new childrens book “When Bug’s Fly.” I also voice the best friend and ‘voice of reason’ Edison the Lightning Bug in the up-and-coming animtaed series. Read more below!
I voice harold the hero’s sidekick, as well as narrate the story in campaign mode for this PC game on steam
many character voices for this high sub Content Creator’s videos
Company Voicemail and Voice Tree for this amazing distillery
Event announcer for seasonal concerts at this high school in FLorida
Company Voicemail/ Voice Tree and On hold company history for this ambulance service
Company voicemail for this chain companys location
Corporate training video and New product in-store advertising for this large International chain business
I starred in, and narrated commercials/advertisments for this prestigous college coming out in 2024!
corporate training video and seasonal new product advertisements/ training videos for this International Fertilizer company
as the “Storyteller,” I narrate the newly released ‘when bug’s fly’ children’s story. now on amazon!
I am also voicing the adorable and intelligent protagonist’s sidekick/best friend Edison the Lightning Bug in it’s UP-AND-COMING Animated series!
Follow the series progress at:
or watch now here:
With the company of fellow voice actor Mark Leonhardt (Mawk In The Dawk) I am producing a series in which we challenge ourselves to create new and original character voices WITH A TWIST…
3 completely random (unlicensed/Public Domain) characters, 15 seconds each, and one chance to create an original voice!
Are you up for the challenge?
Follow the chaos here: